Thank you for expressing interest in our swab testing service.

Please take a moment to consider your requirements using our form below and fill in the appropriate details.

You will receive a personalised quotation from us for the number of swabs you have requested. Should you choose to accept the quotation, we will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time based on the information provided.

Note: When considering areas to be swabbed, it is worth remembering that whilst we can swab surfaces you know are dirty, swab testing is a tool designed to be a cleaning verification method, therefore, you should be considering areas that can be swabbed after they have been routinely cleaned, and before being in use again. We are unable to swab fabric, liquid or organic items. Surfaces to swab should be wipeable surfaces and have an available surface to swab, approximately the size of a coaster as a minimum.

If you are interested in a “before and after” swabbing i.e. to swab an area before and after cleaning, in order to test the effectiveness of cleaning products you use, please count this as 2 x swabs.

 Please Consider and answer the following;

Request a Quotation

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